Andy Lloyd's Book Reviews
Fact, Fiction and Flying Saucers
by Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden
Subtitled "The Truth Behind the Misinformation, Distortion, and Derision by Debunkers, Government Agencies, and Conspiracy Conmen"
New Page Books, 2016
ISBN 978-1-63265-065-8
One of the running themes of this book is that governments can keep secrets, and that it is rather naïve to think otherwise. That may fly in the face of the impression we sometimes get of the impact organisations like Wikileaks can have, as they release thousands of classified documents onto the Internet.
But consider this: Stanton Friedman has long paraded a basketful of heavily redacted declassified government agency files about UFOs as evidence that freedom of information simply does not apply to this subject, and that Western governments continue to keep a cupola-shaped lid on it. To my knowledge, Wikileaks et al have not managed to acquire, or publish, the full versions of said files - even though knowledge of their existence is already in the public domain. Given the kinds of other sensitive materials they have sourced and released down the years, I find this surprising - and also illuminating. This kind of material is clearly buried very deeply, and remains highly sensitive despite the passing of many decades. Why is that?
There is a misperception generally of the
efficacy of government secrecy, which this book goes some way to address. In the
light of this consideration, the fact that this book (like so many UFO books)
tends to concentrate upon the events in the decades following the Second World
War is both a strength and a weakness. A strength because the history of the UFO
subject is now so old that there seems very little reason why any kind of
information restriction should still be applied to it by government.
Sensitive intelligence sources are now dead, their gathering methods well known, the technology of the time is now obsolete,
and the politics forgotten. A weakness because we've heard it all before, many
times. Yes, diligent researchers like Friedman and Marden continue to unearth
new materials from archives, but really the story has remained largely the same
for many years.
So, what is there that is new here? The
authors have unearthed archive material that provides corroboration supporting
suspicions that some prominent UFO sceptics and debunkers had strong connections
with intelligence agencies. A whiff of conspiracy in officialdom -
who'd have thunk it? In a way, that is unsurprising given the time
period in question, when physicists were sequestered into the armed forces, and
naturally had their talents put to good use in intelligence and classified
government research. But there is then clearly an issue of partiality and
bias on the part of these same civilian scientists commenting upon UFO secrecy
or, indeed, running the defining panels of investigation! In this regard, the authors go into some
considerable detail in the cases of Drs Edward Condon and Donald Menzel, whose
evident bias against the subject could be seen as part of a wider strategic
intelligence game. The case of Philip Klass seems less determined by his
government connections, and more an instinctive attack dog attitude on his part towards a
subject that he had made his mind up about very early on. In looking back
at the contributions made by these men to destroy the legitimacy of UFO
research, one can't help but sense Stanton Friedman's professional pleasure at getting the
last word. Perhaps he also misses the cut and thrust of the debates he
once had in a subject which has, in recent years, become over-sensationalised by
an Internet medium which has no time for such matters as evidence,
fact-checking, thoughtful consideration. Even so, he's still taking a pop
at old sparring partners, long since gone. To some extent, who can blame
him? Men such as these wrongly imparted tremendous damage not only upon
the genuine scientific merits of many UFO reports, but also on the reputations
of many of their earnest protagonists, and truthful experiencers. They had
a job to do, and the collateral damage they inflicted was no doubt justified on
the grounds of National Security. And still is, I'm sure, although the job these
days must be made considerably easier by the distinct lack of flying saucer
activity in recent decades (a great shame, given the almost universal
availability of high definition video cameras carried about by just about
everyone). Which brings the authors to the subject of just why it was that
the 40s, 50s, 60s saw such remarkable UFO flaps in the first place? Following on from the excellent work of
Hastings, they settle upon the rise of nuclear technology and
armaments as the focal point of the extraterrestrial interest in our backwater
affairs. Seems ever more plausible as we look back on those heady Cold War
days, and note the crucially important UFO activity concentrated around sensitive government
nuclear installations and test sites. In the
light of the sheer destructive power capable of being brought to bear at a
moment's notice, this seems to make sense. Even more so when one considers
the occasions when UFO activity coincided with lockdowns in missile silos. It's true that the nuclear issue still exists today, but the passage
of time has dulled the novelty factor (and provided (false?) confidence that
it'll never happen); aided by our dismal efforts to maintain momentum in our
'conquering' of space (a misnomer if ever there was one). Perhaps we are
not perceived as being the threat we once were. Humanity's
playful experiment with nuclear war has peaked and receded slowly with the passage of time, and so,
perhaps, has external interest in some of our more alarming activities.
That said, it would be interesting to learn whether there has been an uptick in
UFO activity in North Korea and Iran in recent years? But, then, how could
we ever know? Another group whose interest has flagged (if,
indeed, it ever showed much in the first place) is academia. The authors
argue that if relevant cases are not written about in the kinds of peer-reviewed
journals that academics read, then they might as well never have happened.
The authors then cite the difficulties published academic researchers have in
getting papers published that even have a sniff of UFO evidence in their contents.
It's a self-perpetuating vicious circle, aided by a media which is happy to
distort a reasoned study into disparaging hyperbole, potentially damaging
reputations. Rarely, if ever, are the genuine scientific investigations of
yesteryear properly cited by an ignorant media, or by dismissive naysayers from
the comfort of their armchairs. It's also a fine point that a great deal of scientific research in
fields aligned with UFOs (like cutting edge foreign technology, aerospace
research) takes place
within the classified sphere where reports are simply unavailable for broader
academic scrutiny. Those classified research arenas are vast,
and employ a great many scientists whose overriding loyalty necessarily lies
with their employer - the government, or aligned monolithic private sector
companies. "Two different
academics told Friedman that if Roswell had really happened there would have
been a need to pull many physicists from their academic positions to
investigate. This totally ignores all the scientists working in industry
and at the national laboratories such as Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, Livermore,
Sandia, Hanford and so forth, all of whom require security clearances. A
recent check showed that the total budget that year of the three nuclear
weapons labs... was greater than the total expenditure of the National Science
Foundation on all its research grants. "Though
these scientists occasionally publish in a scientific journal, most of the work
winds up in classified documents."
(p235) The authors cite the best scientific evidence
available in the public domain (including the wealth of good UFO data in the
often neglected 'Project Blue Book Special Report Number 14").
They're also quite prepared to do a bit of debunking of shoddy Ufology themselves.
I was unaware of the dodgy - even criminal - activities some well known
researchers are now known for. The authors differed in their opinions about
Colonel Corso (I'm inclined to agree with Marden (pp184-6)), and perhaps underestimate
the useful cover provided by Bob Lazar's non-existent academic record (p188).
all, a talented mechanical engineer doesn't need to have academic credentials to prove it - he
may just be very good at what he does. His maverick nature may prove an
advantage if word ever got out. They also discuss some important cases in
particularly those Friedman or Marden were involved in. There's an element
of staking a claim to various historical cases, I think, but it's natural to want to do so
after so many years of diligent, painstaking research. In the end,
Friedman does appear to be the last man standing (p52) - and long may he continue to
do so!
Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers
Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers Book review by Andy
Lloyd, 20th November 2016 Books for review can be sent at the author/publisher's own
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