Darker Stars
by Andy Lloyd
New Evidence - The Scope of Our Growing Solar System, Planet X…
Timeless Voyager Press, 2018
ISBN 978-1892264558
'Darker Stars' explores the often contentious subject of Planet X in detail.
In this all-new non-fiction book, author Andy Lloyd carefully examines the case for "Planet 9" (the scientific re-branding of Planet X in 2016).
He then considers how a Planet X object might have formed, and how its current environment in interstellar space might be helping it to remain hidden from our telescopes.
With over 100 images, 500+ references and an extensive index, 'Darker Stars' offers a robust yet challenging view of the outer solar system.
"This is a highly informative, comprehensive, and accessible book and it makes a good case for Planet X and many undiscovered objects in the new solar system. It is also a treasure trove of outer solar system information. The author does a lot of speculating , but provides supporting rationale and some evidence. Well worth the read." *****
The book is 376 pages long, and is published by Timeless Voyager Press in both paperback and Kindle format.
***** on Amazon:
You can order your copy through Amazon.com here:
If you live in the UK you can obtain your Kindle copy here:
'Dark Star' also available directly from its publisher:
Timeless Voyager Press, PO Box 6678, Santa Barbara, CA 93160
Signed and dedicated copies of the book can be obtained directly from the author, Andy Lloyd, who is based in England.
Please e-mail Andy Lloyd for further details at andy-lloyd@hotmail.com